Protect your reputation and build trust in your business
As an IT Security consulting practice, Defence Vector Ltd (DVL) can help your business establish sustainable effective Cyber Security. We work in partnership with your security team and key internal stakeholders to deliver strategic (or tactical) Information Assurance and Cyber Defence capabilities to protect your business's reputation.
Your reputation, and the trust in your business is directly linked to your Cyber Security capability. Cyber Security is about sustainable Cyber Resiliency. It's achieved through active Cyber Defence, calibrated to defend against targeted cyber attacks. It's hard to achieve and there is no 'silver bullet' technology answer.
Our Services
Building your Cyber Security capability
Defence Vector delivers broad and in-depth capabilities spanning Enterprise Security Architecture, Information Assurance and Cyber Security underpinned by Governance, Risk and Compliance experience at C-level
A tactical choice with strategic value
A tactical choice- gaining a fully qualified and experienced enterprise level expert, without the full time commitment. A no compromise choice.
DVL can deliver an enterprise level CISO to support your business in achieving strategic level security capabilities and compliance to compete with larger, more established businesses
Security Capability
Assessment/ Audit
The first step to assurance
Addressing gaps in Information Assurance and Cyber Security capabilities is not just a compliance matter; in the digital economy, it’s a trust factor for clients, investors, vendors and partners. Gaps in legislative and regulatory compliance also influences trust in your business.
DVL can undertake security capability assessments in context of your business ecosystem and operational context - and then roadmap a path to bridge gaps and build trust in your digital offers.
Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
Foundational Security
GRC has a relationship to reputation in the digital marketplace. It's foundational to a compliant Information Security Management System (ISMS) driving directive security controls. It's also essential to Data Privacy compliance and effective Cyber defence deployment.
​DVL can deliver strategic or tactical engagements to evolve your GRC capability, enabling effective Information Assurance for Data Privacy and Cyber Defence deployment.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)
Forewarned is forearmed
Threat intelligence enhances your Cyber Defence posture. CTI driven controls calibrated in context of your business ecosystem can be a game changer in managing risk.
CTI drives preventive controls to counter threats and protect cloud workloads. This in turn enables identification of detective controls to alert on Indicators of Compromise (IoC).
CTI is a key aspect of Cyber Defence.
​DVL can help you use CTI to raise the bar on the quality of preventive and detective controls - tailored to the most imminent threats to your business.
Attack Surface Analysis
Are you a target rich environment?
To operate in the digital economy, you will by necessity have a corporate, social media, digital and technology (i.e. your IT) footprint. Fundamentally, this is your attack surface.
However, you won’t have a choice in (or may not be aware of) your footprint on the Dark Web where your vulnerabilities (whether known to you or not) are being discussed or sold to threat actors.
Visibility of your attack surface is critical.
​DVL delivers a sustainable capability to discover and continuously monitor (i.e. a single view of) your attack surface through existing Vulnerability, Threat & Risk Management functions.
Vulnerability, Threat & Risk
Understanding your exposure
Understanding your business’s exposure to threats and associated risk requires continuous awareness of vulnerabilities across your attack surface, particularly digital and technology footprint.
Threats need context - vulnerabilities are a part of that context.
VTR drives detective, preventative and responsive controls, and (SIEM) use cases to to support security monitoring.
DVL can deliver a structured capability (i.e. process, tool and training) enabling rapid threat and risk assessment, and a single view of vulnerabilities, threats and risks across your attack surface.
A quality & compliance Gate
This is a primary assurance gate for enforcing security governance. It demonstrates to internal and external stakeholders that your business has enforceable, sustainable, and compliant security practices.
​Security assurance starts with baseline security requirements and how those requirements are reflected in design, build & operate, and in any subsequent incremental changes.
DVL delivers a structured sustainable capability (framework, Process, Roles & Responsibilities) engineered to fork off from your GRC functions. It’s merged and integrated with Agile Solution Development Life Cycle and change control across delivery and business support functions.
Early attack surface reduction
Secure Software Development Life Cycle (sSDLC) practices are becoming a mandatory requirement on vendors whose clients may put their reputation on the line using the vendor's software.
​Most major breaches have been attributed to zero-day vulnerabilities (and unsecure 3rd Party Libraries) that trace back to poor ​code security hygiene during development. This has exposed live services to common exploit vectors listed on OWASP top ten and SANS 25 vulnerabilities charts.
​DVL can deliver a proven framework based and sustainable shift left system of identifying code security defects early during Agile SDLC sprints. Automated code security checking is integrated in CI/ CD build pipelines - delivering least resistance in DevOps life cycle.
Secure by Design
Operational and Corporate environments need to be constructed to meet functional business requirements.
However, environments must be architected in context of Access, Data Privacy and segregation security domains to ensure compliance and reflect your business's risk appetite.
To be agile in the digital space, Security Architecture needs to be 20% Threat driven and 80% reusable patterns​​.
DVL can work with your teams to provide a structured approach, processes and tooling that will establish a security architecture way of working.
Data Privacy
Privacy by Design
Data Privacy is the common compliance obligation for all businesses- arguably a shared responsibility between all participants partnering and collaborating to deliver services to clients.
Data Privacy aspects occurs in all phases of corporate, product, solution and operational delivery life cycles- it's embedded and it's your responsibility to identify and manage.
The scope, extent, accountability and privacy roles in your supply chain will be complex.
DVL can work with your teams to provide a structured approach, processes and tooling to establish continuous Data Privacy discovery and management in all life cycles.
Protective Monitoring
Your Situational Awareness
Knowledge of your attack surface is the first step to establish meaningful situational awareness.
Situational awareness involving real-time view of system and user behaviour that deviates from a known baseline is at the core or protective monitoring. Compliance monitoring is no less important.
Security monitoring is a critical control supporting agility & risk management.
DVL can work with your teams to deliver a structured approach, processes and tooling that will establish (or enhance) a protective monitoring capability
Security Controls
Consistent, targeted controls
Agility and adaptability is key to align with product and business deployment.
Directive, Detective, Preventative and Responsive Security Controls need to be identified in context of Information classifications- mapped to security architecture patterns.
DVL can work with your CISO office and engineering teams to help refine and/or define security controls aligned to industry standard best practices
Cyber Defence Framework
Security Calibrated to APT Threat
The greatest threat to your business is a targeted attack executed by an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actor. These attacks involve a progressive attack logic employing Tactics, Techniques & Procedures (TTPs) engineered to breach your business.
Knowing, on a continuous basis, which TTPs to counter, how and which associated Indicators of Compromise (IoC) to monitor and alert on is a challenge.
​DVL can deploy a sustainable, adaptable framework-based defence capability. CDF continuously addresses each logical attack phase in context of threat intelligence, your attack surface and business ecosystem. CDF becomes your business’s primary cyber defence capability.
3rd Party Assurance
Don't dilute your security
The very best and well tuned Cyber Security can be undermined by programmatic or electronic interaction with a 3rd Party Vendor or a Partner whose security posture does not meet your standards.
DVL can work with your CISO office and procurement teams to establish a strategy, policy, process and tooling to carry assurance of third parties
Ready to find out more?
Contact us for an initial discussion about Information Assurance and/or Cyber Security aspects that may be of interest- and what your goals are. Our approach is to engineer assignments (i.e. solutions) around your business context to enable you to achieve capability and compliance goals.